Release Notes


18 August 2018
  • fixed

    Add missing dates to release notes.


18 August 2018
  • fixed

    Ensured that built library is published in the NPM index.


18 August 2018
  • fixed

    Changed lodash dependency to 4.17.5 due to vulnerability issues.


18 August 2018


28 October 2017


24 October 2017


22 October 2017
  • fixed

    Fix package version.


21 October 2017


21 October 2017
  • changed

    Changed the logic which leads to the modification of cell candidate numbers when a strategy have been successfully applied:

    Instead of storing new candidate numbers in a ‘next’ buffer list attribute within the SudokuCell() instance and updating the cell candidates list only when sudoku.grid.SudokuGrid.updateCandidates() is called, each strategy’s ‘processGrid’ method should return a mapping of cloned instances which contain the updated candidates.

    Changed sudoku.solver.SudokuSolver.resolve() so to take care of the update of each cell candidates.

  • new

    Added optional argument to set initial candidates to a SudokuCell().

  • new

    Added optional argument to set initial candidates for each SudokuCell() instance within a SudokuGrid() instance.

  • new

    Added sudoku.cell.SudokuCell.validateCandidates() to throw an error when the list of candidate numbers set to a SudokuCell() is incoherent with its value.

  • new

    Added sudoku.grid.SudokuGrid.cellFromId() to retrieve a specific SudokuCell() instance from a SudokuGrid() using its identifier:

    >>> const grid = new SudokuGrid({c36: 7})
    >>> const cell = grid.cellFromId("c36")
    >>> cell.value
  • fixed

    The assumption that setting a new value to a cell should automatically empty the candidate list was incorrect as a value of zero should bring back a list of possible candidate numbers, which is impossible to guess from the scope of the cell as it should be computed relatively to the entire grid (see sudoku.grid.SudokuGrid.updateCandidates()).

    Therefore, the setter to manually change the value of a SudokuCell() has been removed in favor of a setter to manually change its candidate numbers. It is safer to rely on a candidates setter and on the sudoku.cell.SudokuCell.resolve() method to update a cell value:

    >>> cell = new SudokuCell(0, 0, 0)
    >>> cell.candidates = [3]
    >>> cell.resolve()
    >>> cell.value


15 October 2017
  • new

    Added setter to manually change the value of a SudokuCell() and empty its list of candidates.


12 October 2017
  • new

    Added BoxLineReductionStrategy() to identify when a candidate number appears two or three time within the row or column of a block and remove it from other cells of the block.

  • new

    Added PointingStrategy() to identify when a candidate number appears two or three time within the row or column of a block and remove it from other cells in the rest of the row or column.

  • new

    Added NakedTripleStrategy() to identify when three candidate numbers can only be in three specific cells from a row, a column or a block and remove these candidates from other cells.

  • new

    Added NakedPairStrategy() to identify when two candidate numbers can only be in two specific cells from a row, a column or a block and remove these candidates from other cells.

  • new

    Added HiddenQuadStrategy() to identify when four cells from a row, a column or a block can only contain four specific candidate numbers and remove other candidate numbers from those cells.

  • new

    Added HiddenTripleStrategy() to identify when three cells from a row, a column or a block can only contain three specific candidate numbers and remove other candidate numbers from those cells.

  • new

    Added HiddenPairStrategy() to identify when two cells from a row, a column or a block can only contain two specific candidate numbers and remove other candidate numbers from those cells.

  • new

    Added HiddenSingleStrategy() to identify when a cell from a row, a column or a block can only contain a specific candidate number and remove other candidate numbers from this cell.

  • new

    Initial release including a SudokuSolver() which can apply strategies to resolve SudokuCell() within a SudokuGrid().